Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Space Bubble - 620 Words

Violation of Space nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;On today’s episode of â€Å"Know Your Principles of Sociology,† the question is how important are the mundane rules of life? Our contestants in Dr. Marin’s class helped us out with finding the answer. To answer this they simply violated an unwritten social norm that people live by in our culture. They decided to violate the space theory. Weather it be to randomly hug people or sit extremely close to them, these brave young souls went to the farthest ends to observe and document the expressions of those being violated and those of others witnessing it. We now will go to one of the students to tell us about the experiment. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In article 14 of Cargan and Ballantine’s text†¦show more content†¦These are examples of space violations; and that is exactly what we did. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;We started by observing what happened when one of us went up to a stranger and sat abnormally close to them while they were studying at the library. We did this numerous times and with different genders of people to obtain different types of responses. The group and I went even further as to go up and hug random people. Needless to say that they were surprised and were left confused and uncomfortable. We did all of this while videotaping them so we could document the reactions of each. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;For our results we saw that gender of the violator played a big variable in the response. When one of us guys went up to a girl they were either thought that they were being hit on and reacted to us with the approval or disapproval of a first impression, or they laughed and caught on to the fact that something was up. Either way they were left disturbed and uncomfortable. When guys went up and hugged other guys the reaction was one of complete disturbance. They did not know how to respond and did not like the idea of possibly being hit on by a homosexual. Similar reactions occurred when women went up to women, and when women went up to men. I might add that some of the guys liked the possibility of being hit on by a lady due to the fact that most of the time it is the other way around, but that isShow MoreRelatedQuantum Theory Of Time Essay1418 Words   |  6 Pagestakes places even at large macroscopic scales. TIME IN PHYSICS Today no scientist doubts the connectedness between bits of light or matter. 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